Coming Up For Air

Twenty sixteen was a doozy. I’m talking the kind of year you dig your nails into and just hang on. Little did I know, it was a dress rehearsal for 2017.  Now, before I write some sob sesh about how awful 2017 was, I should highlight some awesome things that took place : 1. I finished... Continue Reading →

The Reluctant Jet Setter | San Francisco

Something strange is happening to me. I've been feeling "the itch." No, not the kind you need to get checked out—I'm talking about that bug I've been hearing about for so long, but never had. The travel bug. It all started two weeks go, when I auditioned for a commercial that shot in Los Angeles.... Continue Reading →

For Those I Love | A Brief Follow-Up

It's been six weeks since returning from my grand adventure. After last week's post, I thought I was finished with the story. But sitting down to write my next blog post, I realized... there were a few things left unsaid about finding and meeting my biological family. When it comes right down to it, I... Continue Reading →

Meeting My Birth Family | Part 1 : Arrival

Aaand we’re off! I’m finally sitting down to tell the tale of my Mississippi adventure—one of the most whirl-windy weekends of my life. Before I do, I feel the need to explain something. Since returning from my trip, I’ve been to BBQ’s, bible studies, and breakfasts with friends, all asking, “Well, how did it go?”... Continue Reading →

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