Meeting My Birth Family | Part 4 : A Final Surprise

When I set out to write the story of Meeting My Birth Family, I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into. All I knew was that an incredible thing was happening to me, and I wanted to share as much as I could, as fast as I could remember it. It's been a way for... Continue Reading →

Meeting My Birth Family | Part 3 : A Home Cooked Meal

There's a special connection between sisters. I wouldn't say I was "close" with my sisters growing up; there was an age gap, and I was... well, annoying (Lol.) But when it came right down to it, I knew my sisters would be there for me when I needed them. And I would defend their honor... Continue Reading →

Meeting My Birth Family | Part 1 : Arrival

Aaand we’re off! I’m finally sitting down to tell the tale of my Mississippi adventure—one of the most whirl-windy weekends of my life. Before I do, I feel the need to explain something. Since returning from my trip, I’ve been to BBQ’s, bible studies, and breakfasts with friends, all asking, “Well, how did it go?”... Continue Reading →

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